IV Drip Therapy Restores Fluids, Electrolytes, Vitamins,
Minerals & Antioxidants !

IV Therapy 101

When you think of an IV drip, you probably think of a trip to the ER or admission to the hospital. However, IV Therapy can be used for so much more.

IV Therapy is the fastest way to replenish your body with fluids, vitamins, and minerals it needs to help alleviate the uncomfortable feeling associated with various conditions such as dehydration, migraines, nausea, and many more, speeding up your recovery from COVID 19 virus, hangovers, cold, flu, food poisoning, and other conditions.

A visit to the emergency room to address the effects of dehydration, flu, or a hangover takes a lot of time out of your day and can end up being a costly hassle. Instead, come to Healing Touch IV where we can provide you with the best treatment.

IV DRIP Therapy Provides Your Body with the most essential Vitamins & Minerals to energize you!

Treatment Procedure.



During therapy, the IV line is inserted, attached to a bag of Saline solution infused with vitamins and minerals. IV therapy bags are designed to let gravity, as opposed to a syringe or other forced technique, carry fluid into the veins over time.


The duration of a single treatment varies from person to person but tends to last between 30 – 45 minutes.


Intravenous (IV) fluid drips delivers a combination of saline solution, vitamins, and electrolytes through a small catheter and tubing directly into the bloodstream. The ingredients in individual IV formulas are specifically blended to address a variety of health needs.

Additional Benefits of IV Drip Therapy


Immediate Effect.

While oral supplements travel slowly, IV therapy introduces nutrients directly into the bloodstream. The gastrointestinal tract is not involved as the circulatory system immediately absorbs the nutrients, producing instantaneous results.

More Nutrients.

Digesting 100% of vitamins is amazingly possible through IV therapy. Because nutrients are bypassing the digestive tract and going straight to the bloodstream, nothing gets lost along the pathway. You are getting the full effects of the vitamins!

Better Hydration.

Dehydration is corrected when the circulatory system gets rehydrated. IV therapy allows a greater percentage of H20 to be absorbed in the body. Hydrating yourself through IV therapy is much more direct and effective than chugging a bottle of water.

Open Pathways.

Common health problems cause irreparable damage to the cells lining the intestinal pathway. This halts the vitamin integration that occurs in the intestines, and vitamin absorption levels are automatically decreased. IV therapy detours straight to the bloodstream so your vitamin uptake is drastically increased.

How long does an IV drip take?

IV drip will provide nutrition, minerals, water, and electrolytes to your body very quickly. It does not require digestion because it is applied directly to the bloodstream. The blood circulates and the body gets the required fluids.

How long an IV drip will take depends on some factors. Such as-

  • Age of the patient.

  • Weight of the patient.

  • IV drip types.

In general, an IV drip takes 15 to 90 minutes to complete one session. The nurse will insert a cannula in your vein and inject the IV drip. You can feel the positive effect of the drip. As your body has already got the required nutrition, minerals, and vitamins through an IV drip, you can feel the effects of it.

How long does IV therapy last?

Intravenous therapy is widely known as IV therapy. It provides nutrition, minerals, water, and other blood products at a controlled level. IV therapy works effectively for dehydration problems and balancing electrolytes.

A question may arise in your mind how long does IV therapy stay in the body?

In general, IV therapy stays from a few hours to a few days in a patient’s body. It depends on the patient’s nutrition and mineral requirements and the frequency of IV therapy.

Do IV drips hurt?

Intravenous drips are applied to a patient’s body by an injection. The nurse will insert a cannula in your blood vein. The cannula contains a small needle. So, when the cannula is inserted into the vein, you may experience pinching. Otherwise, it is a painless treatment.

IV drips provide the required vitamins, minerals, water, or other blood products to your body and within 15-90 minutes you can feel the result.

Our skilled IV drip specialists are highly trained. To make an appointment contact Healing Touch IV.

Are IV drips safe?

IV drips are safe and effective. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it. In this treatment, fluid vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes are injected into a patient’s bloodstream. After the treatment, the dehydration problem can be solved and your body may be able to balance electrolytes.

Many patients have kidney disease and digestive problems. Their body can’t absorb the required vitamins, water, minerals, and other necessary elements from food. In such a situation, IV drips are very effective because they work quickly.

What to keep in mind after an IV drip?

There are lots of benefits associated with IV therapy, especially for sick patients who have digestive problems. When a patient’s digestive system breaks down, the body may be unable to absorb nutrients from food consumption.

You should maintain a healthy lifestyle and recommended guidelines from your practitioner. A conscious lifestyle can help you to improve your healing. Here are some suggestions-

  • Drink sufficient water to stay hydrated.

  • Keep the cannula-inserted area clean.

  • If you experience bruising in the cannula-inserted area, you can use a hygienic cotton pad or towel to clean the site.


The content provides basic information on IV drip treatment and it is not intended for medical advice. So, you can consult our licensed medical aestheticians for appointments and medical advice. Thank you for being with Healing Touch IV.